So the idea of 3d Printing some models got me excited and I'm curious to see if anyone would be interested if made some stuff and put them on
So far I made the little Alien Snoo from because he was fairly quick to model and a good test of 3d printing. I made a pencil topper, desktop toy, and a charm version that would ideally be bought in metal for keychains / necklaces and other jewely purposes. Modeled in Maya & Zbrush.
I also made a secret decoder Lord of the Rings style coin where you can write and decode messages with friends. I always thought it was fun to pretend to be like spies with friends in school so we would make up secret messages and codes. I have some more ideas written down that I just need to work out, I'll see if anything sells and if this endeavor is worth getting in to.
To use the coin to write secret messages:
1. Use the top 2 notches to mark for alightment
2. Mark your Letter
3. Slide coin
4. Repeat steps 1 through 3
To decipher your own or a friend's secret message:
1. Align the notches to reveal what letter was chosen
2. Write letter in center space
3. Repeat with next set of notches until message is revealed!
If you'd like to take a look at these in different materials please visit here.